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Meloncauliflower: Book of Poems & Images on Mental Health

My Book of Poems on Mental Health I am excited to announce the release of my collaborative book of poems, which focuses on mental health. As someone who has struggled with mental health issues, I wanted to share my experiences and emotions through the power imagery in conjunction with my co-author Charlie Williams's collection of poetry. The book is comprised of a collection of poems that explore the complexities of mental health. Each poem is written in a way that captures the emotions and feelings associated with various mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. One of the unique aspects of the book is the use of images that connect to the poems. These images embody the language and emotions of the poems, creating a powerful visual representation of the struggles and triumphs of mental health. I believe that poetry is a powerful tool for expressing emotions and experiences that can be difficult to articulate in other ways. Through this book, I hope to provide a...

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